How to intercede for Muslims during this special celebration.

Among all the countries where WNI is present are two countries in which we are developing a strong and constant work: Indonesia and Egypt. The majority of the population in those countries are Muslims. For us, it is important to highlight this, because from April 24th till May 23rd is a very special time for them: Ramadan.
There are an estimated 1.8 billion Muslims in the world today. About 24.1% of the world population identify themself as a follower of prophet Mohammed's teachings. In Islam, religion practiced by Muslims, Ramadan is celebrated in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (a calendar based on the moon) and is considered a Holy month because, according to their beliefs, this is when the first verses of Quran were revealed to the prophet Mohammad. Fasting during Ramadan is also one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith, what makes Ramadan even more special to Muslims.
During those days, Muslims around the world fast - food and water - every day from dawn till sunset. At night they eat a special feast and celebrate with music and dance in the company of their family and friends
By faithfully observing the fasting, they believe they will be closer to their god, Allah. Experiencing hunger helps them to remember those in need, the ones who normally don't have anything or very little to eat. That is one of the reasons why during these dates they increase their donation to charities, which is also another pillar of Islam.
As Christians, take some time during the days of Ramadan to pray for the Muslim world, as they eagerly are trying to get closer to God.
1. Pray that during these days, they will know the only true God, and Jesus Christ. (John 17:3)
2. Pray that they will understand the insufficiency of their works to find salvation.
3. Pray that they will feel thirst and hunger for the True God (John 6.35)
4. Pray for divine appointments with those who know Jesus, that they will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel.
5. Pray that the church around the world will have a compassionate and loving heart towards the Muslim people.
6.Pray for the Muslims who are finding Jesus or are new believers. Most of the time, they might be the only believer in their entire family and even in their community. Pray that God will strengthen their minds and hearts to stand firm in the faith in Christ Jesus as they might face much persecution. Also, pray that they will have wisdom and anointing to share the Gospel with their own family and community.