He brought us from darkness to light, He adopted us as His children.
When Jesus invited his disciples to pray: “Abba Father, who is in Heaven...” was an exceptional experience for them. As Jewish people, they were used to have a collective thought about God. They knew Him as the Father of the Nation, but Jesus comes and introduces to them God as their personal Father. Not only the Father who created the Universe, but the Father who created each one of us as an individual!
Jesus changes their perspective of who God is and the kind of Father He is. The Father who desires a personal relationship with his children.
By His grace, we were saved, He adopted us, made us as His own children. He placed us in a Family! The Family of believers, who have the Spirit of Adoption living in us. We were created twice by God: First as creatures, who depend on the Creator, but then, because of Jesus, we were reborn, and we were made His children.
Many people from different religions, say: we are all children of God, because we all were created by God (this “god” depending of whom is speaking can be the god of any religion of the World). But Actually, without understanding that we all are sinners and, because of the sin, we have a broken relationship with the Creator, we all will be condemned to perish the eternal death unless we surrender our lives to Jesus.
This message is very common in the western part of the World, where 33% of the population declares to be Christian and even if people around you are not Christian, how many of these people you know never heard about Jesus before?
Still there are 7,372 people groups in the world who had never heard about Jesus
Unfortunately, this is not the reality in the majority of the countries. Still there are 7,372 people groups in the world, which means 3.19 billion (41.5% of the population in the world) of people who had never heard about Jesus before.
While writing this article, being in a country where 95.6% of the population is considered unreached, I question myself of what else we can do here to reach out to one more person today?
How we can work more strategically, so the Kingdom of God will expand, the Light of Jesus will shine and today one more individual will be adopted as Child of God?
What else we can do, as the Church of Christ, for the unreached, so we can shout together:
“Let the nations be glad and sing for joy for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth”. Psalm 67.4
We wish all the fathers a Happy Father’s Day, but the deepest desire of our heart today is also that the Nations of the Earth will know The Father of Lights, and because of Jesus, they also will become children of God.