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Get to Know More About WNI

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

World Nations International is a registered Christian 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, founded in November 2016.

Our mission is to fight hunger and poverty through sustainable agriculture, healthcare access and community development in vulnerable communities worldwide. Our heart is to reach unreached peoples groups around the globe with the gospel of Jesus Christ, serving the communities, loving on them, helping them grow and develop in their best capacities while sharing the good news, making disciples and planting churches.

With 2 bases, 2 offices and some partnerships around the world, our programs have benefited over 3,000 people. We are entering arid, neglected and abandoned places to bring hope and transformation in South America,Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Our projects include:

  • A 5-year Theological Seminary (MTC): 115 students being taught theology and missiology, with the focus on training to reach specific unreached people groups within their own country,

  • A Kindergarten MTC: 35 students are enrolled in our kindergarten this year. Children are growing up knowing Jesus and His love for them.

  • An Institute of Sustainable Agriculture and Development (ISAD), where the students from MTC currently receive practical training in food production and community healthcare,

  • A Medical clinic in Indonesia: currently in the building process. Our goal is to serve the community, bringing healthcare access where currently there is none.

  • LifeCenter is currently being developed and will be a place for locals to learn new hobbies and abilities, while building relationships with the workers.

  • Feed the Child: a food security initiative that aims to fight hunger and malnourishment that will soon begin in Indonesia.

  • Middle East: discipling Arabs to reach their own people groups and the Bedouin communities in the desert.

  • Bags of Hope: work in the slums of Northeast Brazil, bringing hope and the Gospel to children who are not going to school during the COVID.

  • Mphatso Farm: farming project in Mozambique, Africa. Teaching farmers easy and sustainable techniques to help them diversify and grow healthier crops, take better care of the soil and be self sustainable.

You also can be part of what God is Doing around the World!

Join us!

You can be a blessing to so many lives when you decide to obey God’s calling to your life.

There are basically 3 ways you can get involved and respond to His calling:

By praying, going or supporting financially this work.


  • Pray for people to partner with us and get involved in the great work the Lord is doing around the world

  • You can come with us by joining us in prayer.

  • Pray for the workers already on the field: for grace and favor with governments, for visas to be approved, for strength and protection over them.

  • Pray also that the Lord will bring more workers to the harvest.

  • Pray for the unreached people groups our teams are reaching out to.

  • Pray for open doors and favor with the communities.

  • Pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to the people through dreams and visions, so they can know salvation and real peace.


Do you feel called to go to the nations? Talk to us. Short term or long term, there's a place for you in the mission.

You also can donate your vacation to serve with us in one of our many short term mission trips we offer along the year.

Don't miss this opportunity! You will be a blessing and will be blessed as well as you serve the communities through the talents and gifts you have.


We want to give you the opportunity to partner with what God is doing in the nations. When you donate to WNI, you are helping us to build schools, medical centers, community centers, and so many other projects whose focus is to feed the children, reach out to unreached people groups, and send more workers to the mission field.

SHARE: We ask you also to share about World Nations and the projects. Follow us on social media. Repost. Spread the word. Share our prayer requests in your church.

You can find us on social media: Instagram and Facebook.

Our website:


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