We sought the Lord for vision prior to the start of 2021. Vision sets our direction and strengthens our commitment to His work.
After praying and fasting our leadership understood that the direction for the year of 2021 is based on Luke 16:9: "I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings." the Kingdom of God is made of friends.
You can read in the article “Making Friends with Purpose”, written by Marina Sordi Bryant, how to expand the Kingdom while making friendships for eternity.
Friendship is also the theme of the article “Just be Present” written by our worker I. who is in Indonesia with his family. He shares his story on how friendship is changing the community where he is working.
“LifeCenter”, also written by I. , is about a beautiful project that WNI will be launching this year in Indonesia. LifeCenter is a community center for the local young kids, where they can find a safe place to play and also learn about Jesus through sports, arts and professional trainings.
In “Meet our Students”, we want you to know more about one of our Students in Indonesia. He shares about his struggles during childhood and his desire to find his purpose in life.
We invite you to know more about us in “Get to Know More About WNI”. We would love to have you as our partner for this year of 2021.
Enjoy your reading!
WNI Team