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Testimony: God's plan is better

Pr. Jeverson Duha

Mission Training Center in Asia


In the beginning of 2013, I met a missionary in Indonesia, Matt Mattos, through a mutual friend. We've met briefly at KFC, and I was reminded of God's calling for my life.

7 years prior to that meeting, God has called me to serve Him full time and wholeheartedly, but I rejected it. From not feeling able to lead, to a lack of finances, and wanting to be comfortable, I gave God many excuses. I actually used to think that to serve God, it was enough to just give some money to missionary activities and I could enjoy my life freely.

But from 2006 to 2013 God started giving me a series of lessons that changed everything. Because I had a business, my life was comfortable enough, and I thought I didn't really need God. But during that period of time, my company broke and everything I had planned, failed.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.

Isaiah 55:8 was a verse that changed the way I saw my ambitions and I realized how much I was limiting God. It was then that I surrendered everything. God's loving hands uplifted me and restored my life. He also gave me and my family the privilege of being involved in sharing Christ's Love and salvation to the lost and abandoned here in Indonesia, obeying the Great Commandment in Mathew 28:19.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"

In October 2013, my wife and I received a call from God to go work in another Indonesian Island. Having received many signs and confirmations from the Lord, we both quit our jobs, left our families and, in obedience to the Lord, we trusted Him as our biggest treasure and source of strength.

For one entire year we had no supporters but God supplied our every need, like He promises to.

We began a small business, baking cakes and selling fried chicken, as a means to support our family in the mission field. Through this business we could meet other pastors and Christian leaders nearby and sit together to share our vision for a Mission Training Center.

MTC aims to help the next generation to treasure God's Word and prepare them to be sent as missionaries into Indonesia and beyond.

Brother Matt and his family continued to help us in prayer and the needs of the Mission Training Center, covering costs like meals, dorms and operational costs so the MTC can fully function.

Today we have 85 full time students that are being equipped to be part of the next wave of missionaries in Indonesia. 23 of them were already sent into other regions of the country to reach other people groups.

We continue to work together in this project until every ear hears the Good News of the Gospel.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"And I said, "Here am I. Send me!""

Isaiah 6:8



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